1- Direct Taxes
Corporate Tax
Annual corporate tax returns and financial statements and notifications
Income Tax
Annual income tax returns and financial statements and notifications
2- Indirect Taxes
Value Added Tax
Transactions and documents that are of right of return
Export exemptions
Reduced rates
Customs Declaration Certifications
According to full certification contract)
Special Consumption Tax
Special Consumption Tax manufacture probation-cancellation report
Special Consumption Tax Returns and accounting
Bioethanol production Certification Report
Bioethanol petrol activity Certification Report
Special tax exemption on diesel for vehicles carrying export goods
3- Inducements, Reductions, exemptions in the Fiscal Legislation
Investment allowances
Income Exceptions on Education, Sports and Health Investments
Exemptions to associations, foundations, Trusts and Cooperatives
Supports to R&D investments by Türkiye Bilimsel Ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu
Income and corporate tax reductions approval reports
State of Emergency)
4- AD hoc Reports
Assessments related to Loans
According to Banking Law)
Inspections on the accounts of Organized Industrial Zones
Reports on shareholders equity adding to the capital
Payments of broadcasting supreme board, according to law no 3984